As we've discussed, folks in Montana are not happy with the USPS or their mail delivery. Problems with management along with massive turnover and personnel shortages seem to be the culprits. Residents are not at all happy, and the USPS mail carriers are working as hard as they can.

Several months back, we wrote another article about problems with the USPS across Montana and I did hear from a Postmaster in a small town. This is a small piece of what they shared...which is important to remember:

"I just want the people to know that the carriers are relentlessly working to get all mail and parcels delivered. They are to return to the office by 9:30 PM." (from a rural Montana Postmaster)

So another lengthy discussion began online among Montana postal customers. This article highlights the responses to the following post:

We stopped our mail 6 days before leaving on vacation for two weeks. We returned yesterday to find a stack of mail left on our porch which was fortunately retrieved by a part time house sitter.

In that stack was the Bozeman Daily Chronicle from a month ago. One month to deliver a 'daily' newspaper?

I have tried to encourage Senator Daines to check on why our USPS service locally and for that matter, nationally, has continued to decline...with no response.

USPS customers in Montana are experiencing delays
Photo by Clay LeConey on Unsplash
  • "A friend gets medicine from the VA sent through the mail and they didn't get mail for 2 weeks. The VA wouldn't give them anymore medication since the VA could not prove my friend never received the 1st medication."
  • "Mail in the Gallatin Valley been messed up for a few years now. Clearly ole 7 as I fondly like to call Tester did nothing to fix it. Funny how one side always gets the blame. USPS is long overdue to be privatized."
  • "I gave up getting paper copies of the Chronicle for just that reason. It never got delivered via mail on time."
  • "I know it’s a problem… but since Bozeman has grown to be Bozeangeles… nobody can keep up with the demand…. Can’t find people to work for low pay with extraordinary rent and mortgage payments… so guess what you will just have to deal with it… unless we can ever return to a sane small town."
  • "I got mail ONCE in January (including medicine). I was told “you just have to wait.”
  • "At least you’re getting it. Just found out we don’t even have a mail carrier. Bozeman is only delivering when supervisors from other post offices can come and help with back log."
  • "We were out of town for about eight weeks. I stopped the mail and specified that we would pick it up at the post office. After standing in line for 45 minutes, I was told they didn’t have it. Next day, I got a note in the mailbox that I have to pick up my mail at the post office because “not enough space” in the box."
There are problems with USPS mail delivery in Montana
Photo by Benjamin Zhao on Unsplash

Is it the Postmaster General to blame? Should he be replaced? Montana postal customers are torn about who to blame. You can view a letter that Senator Steve Daines wrote to the Postmaster General, Louis DeJoyThat letter was written regarding ballots for the 2024 election.

  • "It won't happen. Trump appointed DeJoy during 1st Administration which was why USPS has gone missing."
  • "Trump nominated him and it is the Board of Governors of the USPS that has the authority to accept or reject. Important to keep facts straight. Should DeJoy be replaced? I think we know the answer to that."
  • "Daines knows the source of the problem as he helped to create and maintain it. Rest assured that he has no intention of making it better. In fact his goals depend upon it getting so much worse that the GOP will be able get rid of USPS as a public service."
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  • "My son tried working for the Bozeman Post Office and it was a disaster. They work 12+ hour days and the postal service doesn’t have to give them a day off until they’ve worked 12 days."
  • "I contacted our governor and they told me it is a Federal problem and that was it."
  • "Current job listing- Postal Delivery Associate - No experience required. Starting pay $23.47-38.62 per hour average annual salary $72,400 with full benefits."
  • "The USPS is not competent and no longer needed. Farm it out to UPS, FedEx, DHL, even independents. They are a waste of taxpayer dollars."
  • "Write your representatives and senators. I have sent emails to all. Because it’s federal, they have to start hearing from us."

If you'd like to reach out to your representatives or the Postmaster General, you can write to addresses below or follow the links to their websites:

The Honorable Louis DeJoy
Postmaster General
United States Postal Service
475 L'Enfant Plaza SW
Washington, DC 20260

Steve Daines, U.S. Senator of Montana

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