Big Hole River

Montana Rivers Fishing Restrictions: What You Need To Know
Montana Rivers Fishing Restrictions: What You Need To Know
Montana Rivers Fishing Restrictions: What You Need To Know
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is advising anglers that portions of the Big Hole, Beaverhead, Clark Fork, Madison, Ruby and Sun rivers, as well as the Jefferson River and Silver Bow Creek in their entirety, will be closed to all fishing daily from 2 p.m. to midnight, effective at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, July 10. The restrictions will stay in effect until conditions improve.
Wise River Club changes ownership amidst local rumors
Wise River Club changes ownership amidst local rumors
Wise River Club changes ownership amidst local rumors
Well, it seems that the local rumor mill has been running full speed for a couple of months now about the Wise River Club and it's change of ownership. And in Butte and Southwest Montana, the rumor mill sometimes runs consecutive 8 hour shifts around the clock. Here at the radio ranch, we get mostly questions rather than answers. "Did you hear that the Wise River Club was sold? Did you hear who bought it?" We get a lot of that. We also get a few educated guesses that are passed off as fact which also helps lead to the maelstrom of misinformation that inevitably ensues. We're also getting a lot of that.