As he gets ready for his latest solo tour, Myles Kennedy discusses Alter Bridge's new album, what's on the horizon with Slash and the Conspirators and more.
We've been saying for months that 2024 has been absolutely huge for Tim Montana. It's been one thing after another, with each huge milestone seemingly topping the one before. There was that huge date with Creed in September in Bridgeport, Conneticut. You know, the week after he sang the National Anthem at a Pittsburgh Steelers game. He got the gig as the opener for Myles Kennedy's upcoming tour. He was considered for a Grammy Nomination. He was recognized by Billboard Magazine as one of the most-played rock artists of the year. We know, we know. You've heard this before. Hell, we've said this many times before. But Tim Montana has done it again.
The legendary musician dives into the connections between the 2022 Danish original, the 2024 American remake and the closing track of his upcoming new LP, 'The Art of Letting Go.'
It's just like Tim Montana to do something like this. In between opening dates with heavyweights Creed and Myles Kennedy, Tim has managed to remember his hometown with a date at Butte's historic Mother Lode Theater this November.