
Anaconda Oktoberfest celebration a go on Saturday, October 7
Anaconda Oktoberfest celebration a go on Saturday, October 7
Anaconda Oktoberfest celebration a go on Saturday, October 7
Our neighbors in the Smelter City are gearing up for another Oktoberfest celebration and it's coming your way on Saturday, October 7. Discover Anaconda along with the folks from the Copper Village Museum and Arts Center have joined forces to put on what is going to be a fantastic celebration of food, music and, of course, beer.
No Shortage of Fun at Recent Oktoberfest
No Shortage of Fun at Recent Oktoberfest
No Shortage of Fun at Recent Oktoberfest
No arm twisting was necessary to maintain attendance at this year's Oktoberfest in Anaconda. In fact, that has never been the case for the Copper Village Museum and Art Center's staple event over the years. A crowd of over 200 people was willingly front and center at last Saturday's festivity. As a witness to the event and from the pictures illustrated in this article, it's evident there was no shortage of fun for Oktoberfest enthusiasts. Under the direction of Shannon Warner of the Copper Village Museum and Art Center, Teah Fuller of Discover Anaconda, and many hard-working staff members and volunteers, Anaconda's Oktoberfest offered something for everyone!
Rock the Pit, Oktoberfest, Science Mine & More on Tap Today
Rock the Pit, Oktoberfest, Science Mine & More on Tap Today
Rock the Pit, Oktoberfest, Science Mine & More on Tap Today
It's a gorgeous October weekend and time to take in some fantastic events planned for today, October 8th! Top on the list is Rock the Pit, World Museum of Mining Tours, Butte Farmer's Market, the Science Mine, Butte American Legion Baseball Bingo Fundraiser at the KOC; Oktoberfest, Winter Gear Swap and an Open Theater Project Theater Murder Mystery performance in Anaconda; and the FoLEO Gala in Deer Lodge. Here are the logistics! Butte events, Anaconda events, Oktoberfest, Rock the Pit, Open Theatre Project, Law Enforcement Gala, Support, Science Mine,
Oktoberfest is this Weekend in Anaconda! Stein Hoisting Optional
Oktoberfest is this Weekend in Anaconda! Stein Hoisting Optional
Oktoberfest is this Weekend in Anaconda! Stein Hoisting Optional
Namely, the Copper Village Museum and Arts Center in Anaconda, Montana. For over 25 years, the center has been hosting Oktoberfest and has teamed up with Discover Anaconda to let the community know how grateful they are for their support over the years. The area is rich in history and nationalities and is celebrated as such. Organized by Copper Village Director Shannon Warner, Teah Fuller of Discover Anaconda, and countless hardworking staff members and volunteers, Oktoberfest will begin at 9 am on October 8th at the center with the Brewfest in Friendship Park (adjacent to the center) at 2 pm. Six breweries from Montana will serve beverages, with a stein hoisting, lederhosen competition, and more on tap. A golf tournament in correlation with the event will also take place at the Old Works Gold Course on October 8th.