Rock music

Tim Montana: A Story Of Persistence And Musical Success
Tim Montana: A Story Of Persistence And Musical Success
Tim Montana: A Story Of Persistence And Musical Success
You certainly cannot say that Tim Montana has not worked hard over the course of his career. I got to know Tim back when he was pushing his first single, "Butte, America" way back in 2007 and he was working hard then as he came to our radio stations personally and convinced us to give the song a few spins on the local airwaves. He had recently returned from school in California where he had studied under the legendary Johnny Hiland, which while impressive, was just the tip of the iceberg.
Decades Later Reminiscing about Songs Played at Tourney Time
Decades Later Reminiscing about Songs Played at Tourney Time
Decades Later Reminiscing about Songs Played at Tourney Time
In reminiscing about that trip to Zoo Town back in 1981, I recall how our rowdy crew and a host of others were definitely there to support the Heads, but with a hint of "partying" on the brain. We were in good company with a soundtrack of songs that we all knew by heart and played as the backdrop to our dazed weekend or that we all sang in harmony in the back of our friend Patty's car. See, back in the day, only three out of a pack of 14 friends I ran with had cars. Unlike today, It was unheard of for everyone to have a vehicle in the early 80s, or at least where I grew up. Nonetheless, the cassette player in Patty's car was all we needed that weekend. Well, that...and boys...and directions to the next party! And yes, even before the term "designated driver" became a thing in the nation, Patty was all about it! She always rocked and still does!