How Many Pancakes Can You Eat in Support of Local Theatre?
With everything that theatre programs offer, it's no wonder the Butte Elks Lodge is on board to support the Orphan Girl Children's Theatre next month with a Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser. Of course, none of this is possible without the community's support, so thank you in advance to those who plan to attend. So, here's what to expect during the fundraiser on February 5th. From 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., the Butte Elks Lodge (206 W Galena) will serve pancakes, with everything from eggs, bacon, and sausage, to juice and coffee. The cost is only $10 a plate, and children five and under eat for free. Proceeds will help to pay tuition fees for aspiring young actors and actresses. So, to all supporters, take a well-deserved bow! Bravo!