Chelsea Bailey Animal Shelter

Local Heroes Rally To Support Chelsea Bailey Animal Shelter With Donation Drive
Local Heroes Rally To Support Chelsea Bailey Animal Shelter With Donation Drive
Local Heroes Rally To Support Chelsea Bailey Animal Shelter With Donation Drive
"That must be one hungry dog," I commented to Colleen. She told me with a smile that they were for a lot of dogs. Cats too. The dogs and cats at the Chelsea Bailey Animal Shelter. But McDonald and Thorsrud do not work at the shelter. They work at the Uptown Northwestern Energy office and all of this food, and then some, was the result of some clever fundraising between departments and some very generous individual donors, all because they found out that the shelter needed help.
Some Thanksgiving foods that you should never give to your pets
Some Thanksgiving foods that you should never give to your pets
Some Thanksgiving foods that you should never give to your pets
While we want to include our pets in our family celebrations, the folks at the Chelsea Bailey Animal Shelter remind us that while our intentions are good, some of our Thanksgiving food may, in face, not be good for our pets. In some cases, what we eat can sometimes even kill them. Here are some of the things that you should never feed your dogs or cats this Thanksgiving.