Adult Children's Love for Sweet Potatoes...Still
All families have different entrees that garnish their tables during the holiday season. What might be traditional to one family may not be to another. Dinner entrees and dishes such as turkey, prime rib, ham, pasta, asparagus, green beans, broccoli, and sweet potatoes were standard choices for our family growing up. However, if it were up to my adult children, they would list SWEET POTATOES as their number one pick OVER any meat entree or green vegetable. Technically, my girls have been heck-bent on "sweet potatoes this and sweet potatoes that" since they were five years old, every holiday, and basically any time of the year. My son, however, the oldest of the bunch, definitely leans more towards the carnivore and greens aspect of grazing during the holiday and probably wouldn't even notice if sweet potatoes were on the table.