
Fireworks aftermath leaves mess on city streets
Fireworks aftermath leaves mess on city streets
Fireworks aftermath leaves mess on city streets
Every year you can count on Butte's big community fireworks show being the best in the state but what is really impressive is if you take a step back from Uptown and view the entire landscape from a few miles south. The entire cityscape comes alive with colorful blasts from every corner of town. It is a sight to behold. Butte certainly loves fireworks with neighbors sometimes pooling their money in hopes of getting their block's show to be the biggest, brightest and loudest in their area. And this is part of what makes Butte great. But then there's this.
Keeping Pets Safe: Navigating Fireworks Anxiety On Independence Day
Keeping Pets Safe: Navigating Fireworks Anxiety On Independence Day
Keeping Pets Safe: Navigating Fireworks Anxiety On Independence Day
Personal views on fireworks aside, this is a very tough time of year for pet owners especially those whose animals are skittish by nature. Last April, we lost our beloved German Shorthair, Snickers, and fireworks absolutely drove him insane. Snickers was not much of a runner but once the explosions started he would always quickly try to seek out a bed to hide under or a place where he could burrow. Other dogs will run and every year at the radio station around this time we get more calls about lost pets than any other time of the year.
Fireworks sales off with a bang in Butte
Fireworks sales off with a bang in Butte
Fireworks sales off with a bang in Butte
While a good portion of local governments in Montana have put serious restrictions or outright bans on personal fireworks this summer, that is not the case in Butte where we have just entered that time of the summer where the fireworks stands are open and abundant.
Bozeman People Are Angry About The "No Fireworks In Town" Ban
Bozeman People Are Angry About The "No Fireworks In Town" Ban
Bozeman People Are Angry About The "No Fireworks In Town" Ban
Bozeman will never agree on fireworks, and it has always been this way. Whether they were "allowed" or not, people love them or hate them. We've discussed it many times. This year with a clear fireworks ban from the City of Bozeman, some residents are really not thrilled and they have thoughts.
Ultimate guide to viewing Butte's big 3rd of July Fireworks Show
Ultimate guide to viewing Butte's big 3rd of July Fireworks Show
Ultimate guide to viewing Butte's big 3rd of July Fireworks Show
Butte'e Independence Day celebration officially begins on the 3rd of July with barbecues, music and, of course, the state's biggest fireworks show thanks to our friends at Town Pump. Are you going to a private party on the hill? Maybe more of a public setting. Here is a guide to the ultimate places to catch this year's fireworks show.