The Bike Lab to host bicycle tune-up party this Saturday
It's finally starting to look like bicycle weather in our town. Yes, bike weather. More and more people in the Mining City are taking to their bicycles this spring and with the rising price of gasoline and diesel you can bet that more and more people will be joining the bicycle brigade as the weather continues to warm up. Economics aside, our part of the state offers some of the most scenic and challenging bike trails in the country and with events like the Butte 100 on the horizon more and more people are taking up the sport recreationally. Even if you plan on riding your bicycle only a few times this summer, there is an event this Saturday you should attend.
This Saturday, the Bike Lab is hosting their 5th Annual Spring Tune-Up Party from 2 to 6pm at 711 S. Wyoming St. What is the Bike Lab? From their website, they are "a community bike shop, a place where there are tools and parts and resources to help folks get on a bike and learn to maintain it themselves. It is a place where bike culture flourishes. There are great regional examples like Free Cycles in Missoula or The Boise Bicycle Project. They are known as bike kitchens, or bike cooperatives, or bicycle collectives. It is an inclusive space where folks of all abilities are welcome, from a toddler just learning to ride to the winner of the Butte 100. It is a place where we share what we have and what we know with those who are in need. It is a center of bike culture, encompassing all riding styles but especially supporting casual riders, commuters, and youth. It is a place to explore new skills, to learn to wrench or weld or to advocate for a bikable city."
Does this sound like something for you and your family? Do you have a bicycle that needs a little TLC? Do you want to connect with others who have similar interests? It will all be yours for the taking this Saturday.
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