It's true! The place to be August 3rd, is the Copper Village Museum to view the extraordinary photography of Carly Jo Moodry, but the story doesn't start or end there.

Many years ago and many radio airwaves ago, I had the pleasure of coordinating media promos for students from our local high school. One student in particular, Carly Moodry, stood out as she told me how excited she was to partake in the project. Needless to say, she was a natural on-the-air. Her voice matched her beauty inside and out. I knew she had the potential to do whatever she wanted in life. This is a story of how SHE DID just that, and in her own amazing way.

You see, the story could go one particular way, right?... But it didn't, as it wasn't long after our encounter together on the radio airwaves, that I learned how Carly had been involved in an automobile accident. It was surreal and hard to believe.

As time went on, Carly proved to be nothing short of a miracle. After numerous surgeries, therapy and rehabilitation, Carly is no doubt, a force to be reckoned with.

Her endeavor at present is PHOTOGRAPHY! Not just a few photo snaps here and there. We're talking top notch, professional photographs that she has mastered with great effort and with the help and support of her family and her good friend, Tom Curry, a professional photographer. Upon meeting Curry this summer, it was evident how he took Carly under his wing to help her capture on camera the beauty that surrounds us. That, and the fact that she's a natural, right?

Again, this must see photography by Carly Jo Moodry along with the work of other amazing female artists, can be viewed at the Copper Village Museum's Art Exhibition,  401 East Commercial in Anaconda, August 3rd from 4 pm to 7pm.

For a preview of Carly's fantastic work, please visit her Facebook page, CarlyJo's Photography. Absolutely Breath Taking!




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