Project Care Christmas Food Baskets Still Available
The popular holiday song, "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year," is accurate in that it tells the tale of a vibrant season! It's true, the holiday can definitely be a very beautiful and inspirational time of the year, but it can also be a time when people feel a great deal of stress and pressure and a time when people find it more difficult to put food on the table. Some reading this may not have to deal with rounding up a plan for getting their families enough food to eat on a given day, but for many, the desire to help is there. Thanks to many charitable groups in the surrounding area, people have been able to seek the help they need. Namely added to that list is the Project Care Food Bank of Anaconda.
Now until December 16th, Project Care has signups available for Christmas Food Baskets. The process is simple, and the cost is free. Those in need can head to the food bank at St. Peter's Church in Anaconda (401 Alder Street) anytime Mondays and Thursdays from 1 to 3 p.m. to sign up. Other locations to sign up include the ADLC Public Health Department (118 E. 7th), The Anaconda Family Resource Center (307 E. Park), Gateway Christian Fellowship (300 E. 4th), and the Anaconda Thrift Center (501 E. Park). The Project Care Food Bank requests that individuals ONLY sign up for themselves or their household. The timeline to pick up baskets will be 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesday, December 20th, at Holy Family Catholic Church in the Raymond G. Hunthausen Center (217 W. Pennsylvania Street). Questions about the food bank and the Christmas Food Baskets can be directed to Terry Vaughn by calling (406) 560-5785.

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