Action Inc.

Combatting Child Hunger: Free Summer Meals For Butte Kids
Combatting Child Hunger: Free Summer Meals For Butte Kids
Combatting Child Hunger: Free Summer Meals For Butte Kids
No child in the Mining City should go hungry, not even during the summer months when school is in session. Unfortunately, for many Butte youngsters, the meals that they receive at school are the primary, if not only, meals that they will get to enjoy, if that is even the proper term. Again, this summer starting on Monday, June 17th, Action Inc. in conjunction with the USDA's Summer Food Service Program will address this problem by providing free meals to those 18 years of age and younger at several locations throughout town.
Free breakfast/lunch for Butte kids available this summer
Free breakfast/lunch for Butte kids available this summer
Free breakfast/lunch for Butte kids available this summer
Action Inc. recognizes that many of our citizens, particularly our youth, are living in poverty and many families rely on free meals that are served to their kids while school is in session. Unfortunately, that need persists when school is out as well and again this summer, Action Inc. will have several sites around town where kids can get a free meal.