Top Songs that Rocked Every Home Stereo & Car in Montana 50 years Ago
Do you know where you were 50 years ago, in January of 1973? Maybe you were in the middle of your sophomore year at a Montana high school or a third grader who couldn't wait for that snowball fight every day at recess. Or perhaps you were a starry-eyed couple planning a Spring wedding or expecting a child. OR, just maybe, you weren't even born yet! Whether you lived through 1973 or not, you may recall a few songs from that era, OR you were RIGHT THERE, front and center, singing every lyric to every song played on your turntable, radio, portable record player, or 8-track player.
As much as the 70s were a simpler time, it was also a time of chaos and grief as Americans struggled to fathom the negative impact of the Vietnam War. During the war and with the peace agreement in January of 1973, it was evident that the monstrosities of Vietnam affected not only families, soldiers, and communities across the nation forever but the "music" they listened to, as well.
From the lists below, you'll likely recall songs and albums from January of 1973 that spoke to your soul years ago and ones that resonate with you to this day. You might even remember some from the lists that offer a more mainstream approach, away from the heavy topic of the era. Either way, these were the hits that brought people together in Montana in 73'. You'll undoubtedly be reminiscing and looking forward to downloading selections from the list. Old school meets new school, so let the music begin. Groovy.
Top Rock Songs of January 1973:
Top Retro Hits of January 1973: