Anaconda AOH Pipes & Drum Corps’ Schedule Now through St. Patrick’s Day
Hats off to the tireless organizations that work hard to create the many events planned for St. Patrick's Day throughout Butte and Anaconda! From the parade in historic uptown Butte and downtown Anaconda to the many festivities outlined at bars, breweries, and other facilities throughout the area, planning for the big day is well thought out by dedicated and fantastic coordinators behind the scenes. The same applies to Anaconda's Ancient Order of Hibernians Pipes and Drum Corps! These men and women of the corps spend a great deal of time practicing for scheduled performances that occur not only on St. Patrick's Day but throughout the week leading up to the big day! (Schedule of performances BELOW)
This year, the Anaconda AOH Pipes and Drum Corps' first stop will be the Carpenters Union Hall in Butte for their Shillelagh Shindig on March 10th at 6 pm. Here is a complete list of other performances expected by Anaconda's AOH Pipes & Drum Corps in both Butte and Anaconda:
- March 12th - 6 pm - Ceilidh (social/Irish music) Anaconda AOH Hall (321 East Commercial)
- March 15th - 2 pm - St. Anne's Church (2100 Farragut, Butte)
- March 15th - 6 pm - The Springs (300 Mt Highland Drive, Butte)
- March 16th - 7 pm - Front Street Station/Friendly Son's of St. Patrick's Dinner (800 E Front, Butte)
- March 16th - 8 pm - Pair-a-Dice (1653 Harrison Ave, Butte)
- March 16th - 8:30 pm - Helsinki (402 E Broadway, Butte)
- March 16th - 9 pm - Cavalier Lounge (100 E Broadway, Butte)
- March 16th - 9:30 til' ? - Various bars in Uptown Butte
- March 17th - 9 am - March to Holy Family Church (217 W Pennsylvania, Anaconda )
- March 17th - 12 pm - Butte Parade (uptown route)
- March 17th - 2 pm - Anaconda Parade (Starts at AOH Hall, along Commercial Street, then east on Main Street; ends at Glacier Bank)
- March 17th - 2:30 pm - Anaconda AOH Hall
- March 17th - 3 pm - Haufbrau (10345 Hwy 1 West, Anaconda)
- March 17th - Following the Haufbrau, various performances will take place in downtown Anaconda to include Thompson's Bar (213 Main) and Smelter City Brewery (101 main)
- March 17th - 5:15 pm - Club Moderne (801 E Park, Anaconda)
Be safe and have fun honoring your Irish heritage this month, and even if you're just in it for the green beer! Special thanks to Mary Pena Johnston and to Joe Casey, Joe Strelnik, Pete Lorello and all members of Anaconda's AOH Pipes & Drum Corps for providing Townsquare Media with the above schedule. To the AOH Corps, Stay Awesome! Rob Seccomb, Dennis Casey, Pete Lorello, Trey Smollack, Abby Walters, Ed Jones, Aaron Gransbery, Joe Strelnik, Joe Casey, Jeremiah Bilodeau, Colin Stetzner, Reece Connors, and Ross Beausoleil.

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