Anaconda’s Braxton Hill & Fellow Griz Ready to Take on the Eagles, Days after their Snow Day Blowout Against Calpoly
The start of last Saturday's Montana Griz Football game against Calpoly MIRRORED the phrase, "THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM". First, although cooler temperatures and a sense of winter were already in the air the night of November 5th's game, the wind was oddly subtle. Then, just like that, in true Montana style, giant snowflakes dominated the field at Washington Grizzly Stadium, leaving fans confident that Calpoly was about to take a beating. Undoubtedly, the shutdown Calpoly endured had everything to do with "Griz Nation" skill. Seemingly though, the winter wonderland that prevailed during the game added nicely to their throwdown. By the time all was said and done, the Griz walked away with a 57 to 0 victory over Calpoly.
Interestingly, some Griz football players have never encountered a legit Montana snowfall prior to arriving on the UM campus to play ball. Regardless, working together as a team proved that the snow and cold were not a game-time hurdle for them. On the flip side, Anaconda's own Braxton Hill knows all too well about playing in the harsh weather elements of Southwest Montana. As a Copperhead standout, Hill endured weather conditions of monumental proportions, which didn't seem to phase him growing up. But then again, that's the making of a great athlete and one the Griz are proud to have.
The Montana Grizzlies face off against the Washington Eagles this Saturday at 1 p.m. at Washington Grizzly Stadium in Missoula. This time, temperatures are said to reach 30 degrees, with no new snow expected; pretty decent conditions for a bear's pummeling of a bird. Oh, I went there! So, to all fans, enjoy the game, and unless you have Canyon Room club seats, don't forget your thermals.
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