Make no mistake.  It is HOT in Southwest Montana this summer.  As temperature records fall across the entire country, the mercury in our neck of the woods has gone into the 90s several times already and August looks as though it could be another scorcher.  However, there are areas nearby where the temperatures are a bit cooler, the air has a little more moisture, and the views are unbeatable.  Southwest Montana forester and outdoor recreation expert Jocelyn Dodge has a few viable suggestions.

Photo credit: Tom Merton/Townsquare Labs
Photo credit: Tom Merton/Townsquare Labs

"Make your way to higher elevations where conditions are not so dry," Dodge told us.  "There are several lookout sites that provide panoramic vistas of valleys, rivers and mountain ranges.  Haystack and Jack Mountains north of Butte have vistas of Elk Park and the Boulder River Valley while Red Mountain south of Butte offers vistas of the Jefferson Valley, Fleecer and Pioneer Mountains," she added while noting that some prime mountain camping is just minutes away.  "If you want a quiet camping experience, try Lowland, Beaver Dam or Toll Mountain campgrounds, all within 30 minutes of Butte," she suggested.

Photo: TonyFuse/Getty Images
Photo: TonyFuse/Getty Images

Along with the heat, late summer camping in Southwest Montana brings increased fire danger and Dodge reminds us to be prepared and cautious, particularly when leaving your campground.  "Remember, when camping, use caution make sure all campfires are dead-out before leaving," she told us while offering a reminder to share the roads and trails with all users, human and otherwise.  "Remember to share the trail with other users, including livestock that may be on roads and trails," Dodge added.

For more information, call the Butte Ranger District at 494-2147.

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