“Monthly Observances” could Help with New Year’s Goals
In the "New Year", would you say you got off to a good start, or are you having difficulty getting out of your own way? Even though we're already a few days into a new month and a new year, remember it's essential to regroup and tell yourself, "you got this". Maybe you want to start fresh with a new year's resolution, or perhaps you're interested in bettering yourself by being more aware of your surroundings. To start, one way to master "awareness" is by focusing on observations and traditions recognized throughout a given month. For example, January has many monthly observances. Finding the ones that suit you is key to "awareness". Some are quite serious in nature, and others are more light-hearted. As you read on, take your pick.
From Parade and Holiday Smart's online sites, many monthly observances occur in January. Holiday Smart, by clicking HERE, takes it a step further in outlining what each "observance" listed for January represents and why. Many of the observances listed could also be premised based on the state you reside. What might seem like a logical observation in Montana may not be the same in Florida and vice versa. Do any from the January list below resonate with you?

READ ON: See the States Where People Live the Longest
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