How To Report Potholes In Butte
There is the never-ending run of ‘season’ jokes in Montana.
Sooner or later, we will fully emerge from winter, and fall directly into construction season. Everyone loves to whine and cry about all the orange cones that will pop up seemingly everywhere. (myself included)
Construction season is front of mind for me, and I assume anyone else who drives, because of the plethora of potholes that continue to form with this wonderful weather we are having.
Potholes are caused by the expansion and contraction of ground water and the water has entered into the ground under the pavement. When water freezes, it expands and takes up more space under the pavement. The pavement will expand, bend, and crack which weakens the pavement. When the ice melts, the pavement contracts and leaves gaps or breaks. Then the process is repeated the next day, and the day after that… etc. Then you add erosion to the party, and things get real ugly, real quick.
We all hate potholes. You, me, bus drivers, police officers, everyone. The way you can help is by reporting them to the city, or the state (depending on where they are located) If they are in town you can report them HERE.
If you are reporting a pothole on a State road or highway you can go HERE to make sure the state of Montana is aware.
There are a LOT of potholes in Montana, so neither Silver Bow county nor the state can guarantee any kind of timetable for addressing the pothole(s) you report but know that they will get fixed.
So the next time you don’t notice a pothole and it tries to shake your molars loose, make sure to report it, after you are done swearing of course..