Uptown Hoops is back in Uptown Butte June 17-18
After last year's success, Uptown Hoops is ready to roll again this June in the Mining City with the dates of June 17 and 18 blacked out on the calendar.
Again this year games will be played on the streets of Historic Uptown Butte. There will be 3 on 3 brackets for boys and girls in 1st and 2nd grades, 3rd and 4th grades, 5th and 6th grades, 7th and 8th grades and also boys and girls high school "A" and "B" divisions. For adults there will also be "A" and "B" categories for both men and women plus co-ed divisions for high schoolers and adults plus an adaptive category. Team are limited to 4 players per team and some of the more competitive divisions offer cash prizes to the winning teams. The games this year will be played on Granite Street. Complete rules and regulations will be posted soon and registration for the event is tomorrow, March 1.
New to the event this year are the addition of a few "skills" competitions including an adult slam-dunk contest, a little dunkers contest for kids plus a three-point shootout and even a lightning contest, again offering cash prizes to the winners. A lot of the new events we just listed are presently open for sponsorship opportunities and there are several different ways that you or your business can get involved. Take a look at their website to see what's right for your organization. If you're interested in donating your time, there are looking for all the help they can get in putting up hoops, monitoring the courts and selling merchandise and refreshments. Click here for details. There is also plenty of room for food vendors at Uptown Hoops.
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