“Walk to School with the Orediggers” Day this Wednesday
Some of the biggest fans of the Montana Tech Orediggers here in the Mining City are our elementary students. You see them on Saturdays at Bob Green Field when the football team is doing battle on the gridiron. Heck, last spring, a healthy contingent of schoolkids were among the "HPER Hooligans" on either baseline screaming their lungs out as the Men's Basketball team made their historic playoff run. Remember a couple years back when they had free admission and bused every schoolkid in Butte to the HPER for an otherwise meaningless preseason game and they were so loud you would think that the Harlem Globetrotters were playing. The kids in Butte love the Orediggers and the Orediggers are an easy group to love.
This Wednesday, October 4, is "Walk to School with the Orediggers" day as each elementary in student in town will have the chance to get to know Montana Tech's fine student-athletes up close and personal as they meet at different drop-off points and walk to school together. All students will be given a t-shirt courtesy of the Montana Tech Foundation, the Montana Tech Mining Engineering Department and Horizon Credit Union.
Here is a list of pick up points and times for Butte schools:
Butte Central students will meet at the school.
Emerson Elementary
Grand and Texas meeting point 7:45 am
George and Texas meeting point 7:50 am
Garrison and George meeting point 8:00 am
Marcia and Utah meeting point 7:55 am
B Street and Lowell meeting point 8:00 am
Florence and Majors meeting point 8:00 am
Hillcrest Elementary
Bayard and Meade meeting point 7:40 am
Father Sheehan (Thomas and Floral) meeting point 7:45 am
Hannibal and Pintlar pks meeting point 7:40 am
Hawthorne (White Way and Atherton Ln) meeting point 7:40 am
Eastridge (Continental Dr and Keokuk St) meeting point 7:55 am
Kennedy Elementary
Missoula and Alabama Street meeting point 7:55 am
W Granite and Emmet meeting point 7:55 am
Woolman and Main street meeting point 7:40 am
Caledonia and Excelsior meeting point 7:55 am
Margaret Leary Elementary
Motor view and Warren meeting point 7:50 am
S Arizona and Sage meeting point 7:50 am
Holmes and Warren meeting point 7:30 am
West Elementary
McKinley (West Granite and Excelsior) meeting point 7:50 am
Steel Street (S Opiur and W Platinum St) meeting point 7:55 am
Copper King (W Granite and Idaho) meeting point 7:45 am
Whittier Elementary
Farragut and Princeton meeting point 7:55 am
N Drive and Farragut meeting point 7:50 am
Grand and Stuart meeting point 7:40 am
Ottawa and Continental meeting point 7:50 am
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