Clothing Drive Help Needed at MAC. Can You Give an Hour or Two?
One thing is certain. When you put out the call for help, Butte comes through.
For several weeks now, we have been putting out the call for clothing donations for the annual Butte Cares/Harrington Pepsi/Bob Ward and Sons Helping Hands Clothing Drive and the results have honestly been more than what we expected. In fact, Distribution Day is this Saturday and the donations keep coming in. I mean, by the truckload in some cases. We have more clothes at this point than any other drive we've done and find ourselves in a bittersweet situation. We are going to need more community help if we are going to pull this thing off.
Community volunteers are what make this clothing drive work and we could definitely use you if you have an hour or two to give. Clothes need to be sorted, arranged and folded and although this is a big undertaking, it is just the tip of the iceberg. In an earlier article we linked to a volunteer registration page, but at this point we are encouraging volunteers to simply show up. Today and tomorrow, workers will be at the Maroon Activities Center from 9 to 3 (but may be working longer) and will welcome you with open arms. Additional volunteers will also be needed for Saturday's big distribution event, so please let organizers know if you're available.
Each year, this event gets bigger and bigger and while it is a reflection of the need that is ever present, it also shows that Butte will always help those in need. If you want to help, swing by the Maroon Activities Center at 550 E. Mercury. All abilities are welcome.