Who best embodies the independent spirit of Butte, Montana?  This is not an easy question to answer but one that our friends up there at the Butte, America Foundation are asking.  Butte was literally built on independence in her early days as a mining camp, through the trials and tribulations of being an urban center in her heyday.  The mines may have been owned by companies, but the miners, although unionized, were a collection of individuals and that spirit of independence can still be felt today.  Even the term "Butte, America" reflects that sentiment and it is a term that we hold dear.  We are a town unlike any other in Montana.

It is fitting that on Independence Day, the Butte, America Foundation is looking to embody Butte's independent spirit when choosing the Grand Marshal for this year's Independence Day Parade.  And there are so many fitting individuals to choose from.  Who do you know that fits the bill?  Is there a special teacher or educator who had made a difference in your life?  A local business leader who is making waves.  Perhaps an individual who is involved in a charity or nonprofit wo is doing big thing for the community.  Maybe a relligious leader.  The list goes on and on.  But this year, it's up to you.

The Butte, America Foundation wants your nomination for Grand Marshal, and you can link to the nomination form right here.  Nominations will be accepted until next Tuesday, June 25th.  And again, a big thank you to the Butte, America Foundation for all of the great work they do for all of us, especially around the 4th of July.

Do Not Shower During A Thunderstorm and Other Thunderstorm Safety Tips

Did you know a car with rubber tires is NOT during a thunderstorm? It's true. Scroll on to see all the facts that could save your life. The National Weather Service has all this information at weather.gov.

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Top 5 RV Parks in Montana

When you need more than just a campground, you might need an RV park! Especially if you like to travel the country in a proper Recreational Vehicle, you need to know where to find good places to park for a few days. Montana is home to some very fine RV parks. Here are some of the best that Montana has to offer when you're on the road.

Gallery Credit: mwolfe

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Rock may not have been invented in the ‘60s, but it’s certainly when the genre came into its own.

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