Pizza Favorites Served Up in Anaconda
Sure, I'm going to talk about pizza in the middle of the week, because isn't that what food connoisseurs are supposed to do? Lol! At best, the topic of pizza as an article can be gimmicky. So, although that's understandable, my love for the smothered cheese delight is real. I also crave the almighty disc pie lately because my work and personal schedule demand it. We have to reward ourselves in many ways, and pizza is a staple in that respect. Savvy? As for a more concise reason for my latest pizza fascination; for the past four years I've gone back and forth with the Keto Diet. Okay, stay with me on this as I'll get back to the pizza part in a minute. When I started to get the "keto flu" (symptoms associated with the body adapting to ketosis) more than what was recognized by "experts", I decided to go with a low-carb option which falls in line with Keto, but with fewer restrictions. The basis for a low-carb diet? Don't eat pasta, bread or potatoes, or virtually any vegetable rooted from the ground, but if you do, only in very small amounts. (pizza pie continued...)
So, like anything, when you try to do too much of one thing, your body and your brain retaliate. The point being, by Thanksgiving I basically gave "low-carb" the finger and started to consume every ounce of bread, pasta, and potato I could get my hands on. This is where" pizza with crust" became my friend again. So from venting about carb neglect comes this realization full circle; MY fascination with pizza!! AND so after two paragraphs of rambling about my carb intake, time to cut to the chase on my top picks for pizza at four fabulous locations in the suburb of Anaconda, Montana. PLUS, BEFORE WE GO ANY FURTHER, I THINK IT'S IMPORTANT TO ADD THAT EVEN IF YOU'RE CURRENTLY ON A LOW-CARB/KETO BASED DIET YOU CAN STILL ENJOY MANY INGREDIENTS ON PIZZA, MINUS THE CRUST. Okay, here we go...
The Haufbrau in Anaconda owned and operated by the Lorellos, serves up everything from wraps, burgers, pasta, steaks, and delicious pizzas by their great staff!. My Haufbrau pizza pick is the famous and ever-so-filling Haufbrau Special which is packed with Canadian Bacon, Pepperoni, Italian Sausage, Mushrooms, Green Peppers, Onions, Black Olives, and Sauerkraut. Yes, sauerkraut makes this pizza so perfect! This baby has been a crowd-pleaser for years and one my family and friends love to consume after a winter outing and especially in the summer! Find out about the "sauerkraut" fixation for yourself at the Haufbrau, 10345 Hwy 1 West, Anaconda or call (406) 563-9982 for carry out. Oh, and while you're there, ask for their signature pepper topping.
Up next? Gallicano's Pizza is a hip New York-Style Pizzeria in the center of Anaconda, operated by an amazing staff. My Gallicano pizza pick is a "toss-up", and Bill Gallicano knows how to toss that dough high! I'm going with the Hot Moose topped with Canadian bacon, jalapeno, pineapple & cheese and the Cali Brah topped with chicken, spinach, evoo (extra virgin olive oil), tomato, garlic & three-cheeses. ...don't forget the garlic knots, and the option to order pizza by the slice, too! My ex even has a pie named after him at Gallicano's called the Todd Roni which consists of pepperoni and pineapples. Sounds like I have some work to do in getting one named after me! Lol! As for Bill and Mary, the owners of Gallicano's? ...I like to describe them as the Ben & Jerry's of Pizza. Each one of their pizzas is uniquely built and named either after a local resident who frequents their fine establishment (as indicated) or a renowned influencer or innovator. The Gallicano's are a low-key intellectual duo who are community driven and care about their product. Now that you know, see what's on the menu at Gallicano's, 118 East Park Avenue, Anaconda. Call (406) 563-7776 for carry out.
Onto Pizza Hut in the Smelter City! I'm going with the traditional Pizza Hut pepperoni deep dish! They built their brand around the deep dish option dating back to the very beginning. So, although I like my crust to be more on the thin side, the deep crust version at "The Hut" is where it's at for me. Make a trip there yourself at 401 E Park in Anaconda or call for delivery or carry out at (406) 563-8433.
Another great place in Anaconda to find the most divine pizza is O'bella! They serve fresh, from scratch Italian-inspired food ranging from savory pasta dishes to salmon and steaks. As for their pizza, my O'bella pick is half Butcher Block, half Garlic Chicken. The Butcher Block is pepperoni, Italian sausage, and mozzarella on a tomato base. The Garlic Chicken pizza is topped with feta, chicken, garlic, roma tomatoes, mushrooms, and red onions on a creamy garlic base. Dine in or carry out at O'bella! 1515 E Commercial in Anaconda or call (406) 564-0028.

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