Adult Archery Program in Anaconda Begins Next Tuesday
In researching the history of archery, I found different theories as to when it first began. The publication Flint Bowmen dates the "technique" back to 20,000 BC. In contrast, others argue (World Archery) that it first became popular among Nubians and Egyptians for the necessity of hunting and warfare around 10,000 BC. Chinese culture is believed to have acquired archery during the Shang dynasty of 1027 BC. Today, archery continues to be well recognized worldwide for hunting and as a target sport, not to mention as an Olympic event since 1972. For years, right in the heart of Southwest Montana, Ray Haffey, an archery enthusiast, author, historian, and more, has kept the essence of the sport alive and doesn't plan on stopping any time soon. (continued...)
Beginning Tuesday, February 28th, Haffey will host a five-week Spring Fling Adult Archery Program in the Anaconda School Administrator's Gym at 1410 W Park in Anaconda. Two archery sessions will be available every Tuesday at 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the cost of $7 dollars for the entire five-week session. Those interested are encouraged to join in on the action of the archery program with or without their own equipment; any other gear needed will be provided. The mindset? Participants should feel comfortable working at their own pace and schedule, as flexibility is highly encouraged during the program. To sign up, register in person on the first day, February 28th, or any Tuesday for the next five weeks. (please use the gym door entrance) For questions, contact Ray Haffey at (406) 491-8578. (More archery below)
Rest assured that you will be in good hands during the Spring Fling Adult Archery Program, as Ray Haffey has been involved in several school-related and co-op archery functions since the 1980s with the likes of fellow Anacondans Steve Conrady and Sparky McLean. So, whether you're a beginner or want to freshen up your skills, get ready to regroup on the fundamentals of archery to excel technically and mentally in the long run.