Butte Cares has put their 2023 St. Patrick’s Day Color Run on the calendar.

Butte Cares is an organization in Butte that works to support our community, in particular the youth of Butte. Substance use among the youth, as well as the adults in our community, continues to adversely affect our community and families. Butte Cares is working to build a safe, healthy drug-free community.

Pilar Rubio Is Ambassador Of Skittles at The Color Run
Color Run fun (Photo by Eduardo Parra/Getty Images)

The color run is scheduled for St.Patricks Day here in Butte, as a safe alternative for youth, families, and the community to have some great fun on St. Patrick’s day. The course for the color run will be around the Torger Oaas field, adjacent to the Maroon Activity Center. The run in a non-timed event, so you can run, walk, or skip. There will be several fun obstacles to navigate as well. As you make your way around the course you will encounter several ‘color stations’ where you will be adorned with brilliantly colored powders.

There will also be food, music, and activities hosted by students during the entire event as well.

The St.Patricks Day Color Run costs $10 to attend. It will run from 3:30-5:00pm on St. Patricks Day (March 17, 2023) at the Maroon Activities Center.

2017 Colour Run In Beijing
having a great time at the Color Run- Getty Images

There is also a need for Volunteers, and event sponsors as well. If you would like to be an event volunteer and help out for the event you can sign up HERE.

2017 Colour Run In Beijing
Incredible fun had during a color run (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images)

If your business would like to be an event sponsor you can get more information, and sign up HERE. There are several sponsorship levels, and your donation will go directly to the event and help cover the costs of making the even possible.

Find out more about Butte Cares on their website ButteCares.org

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