Discover Three Unique and Must-Do Tours in Butte, Montana
We have discussed the one-of-a-kind underground mine tours at the World Museum of Mining. This is an absolute MUST in Butte. But let's take a look at some other outstanding ways to learn about the Mining City. The three I want to focus on a bit are the Butte Chamber of Commerce Trolley Tour, the Butte Mule Historical Tours, and the Old Butte Historical Tours.
We have to start with the trolley tours. These tours are the most comprehensive tours of Butte history you will find. The trolley tours last approximately 2 hours and are led by experts on everything Butte. You’ll learn about Butte’s mining history and the rich history of the valley. On the tour, you will learn about the Copper King Mansion, the Dumas Brothel, the World Museum of Mining, the Berkley Pit, Mai Wah Museum, and so much more. You can learn more on the Butte Chamber of Commerce website or call 406-723-3177 to make reservations.
The Butte Mule Historic Tours is a fun twist on Butte history. Mules played a huge role in the underground mines for over 50 years, with an estimated 10,000 mules working underground over that timeframe. Mules are utilized on these tours, but they are a bit different than those that worked underground. You will be in 6 passenger ‘side-by-sides’ and you will have the choice of 2 different tours. The first option is a tour of the Redlight district, the Cabbage Patch, and the Dumas. The second option takes in Butte’s Gallus Frames and the old neighborhoods of Butte. Find out more, and book your mule tours, on their Website.
Last but not least is the Old Butte Historical Tours. These are walking tours, so they are able to provide a different look of Butte. They have their underground tour, which includes the Rookwood Speakeasy which is below the sidewalks of Main Street. It also includes the 1890 city jail that was used until the 1970s. They also offer an East Tour, which includes Finntown, and the Cabbage Patch shanty town. You can find out all the details on their tours via their Website.
Not many cities have shaped the United States and the world, quite like Butte Montana has. These tours will give you a better idea of why Butte is the Richest Hill on Earth.

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