Galentine’s, Pasta, Cheddar & Computers Observed Today
Earlier this afternoon, I dedicated an article to National Football Hangover Day! Now it's time to give some other events and food creations their due time. Let's start with National Galentine's Day, celebrated this moment (February 13th)! It's a time set aside for women of all ages to honor one another positively! Galentine's Day (modeled after Valentine's Day) is catching on across the nation, and as you're reading this, many fabulous ladies are throwing parties just for this reason. Even if you can't whip up a party with such short notice, ladies, instead, take time to reach out to the women in your life who mean so much to you on social media or via text!
Moving on to the topic of food! Today is also National Tortellini & Cheddar Day! Tortellini (stuffed pasta) originated in Bologna, Italy. It is commonly filled with minced chicken, pork, ham, and parmesan cheese, then topped with a white garlic sauce, red sauce, or pesto. Internationally, members of Bologna's Learned Order of the Tortellini (as described online on National Calendar Day) wear hats to functions that resemble tortellini. To celebrate National Tortellini Day, simply prepare it for dinner tonight! You should be able to find it in either the dried pasta or freezer section of your grocery store. Bueno! (Onto Cheddar Day below).
The fact that it's also National Cheddar Day makes it all "BETTER"! See what I did there? I know; pretty cheesy. Okay, I'll stop. The topic isn't as delightful for those lactose intolerant, but if you're a big fan of cheese, especially cheddar cheese, then make sure to douse plenty of it on your favorite dish tonight. The history of cheddar cheese dates back to 12th century England. Many factories have gone on to produce cheddar cheese, including Peter McIntosh, who made the Oregon county of "Tillamook" a household name in the U.S. by 1894. (wrapping it up with Computer Day below)
Okay, all this talk of food is making me hungry, so let's move on to something far less appetizing but essential; National Clean Out Your Computer Day! Twenty-three years ago today, the Institute for Business Technology encouraged having this day set aside to clean out our PCs! Laptops, phones, tablets, and other digital devices are now also part of the equation. As tedious as this task can be, you'll be happy to partake once you realize how much it frees up your beloved device(s). The act of "cleaning up" applies to junk emails, spam emails, plus files, folders, and more that you no longer need. For reassurance, use a flash drive, iCloud, or other backup systems before starting your "computer cleanse". Also, try to work on a full stomach of tortellini and cheddar before attacking this computer project. Best to you!

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