Get signed up for Winter Cornhole League
Mining City Baggers are preparing for their Winter league.
The league will start on Friday, January 20th, and run for 7 weeks in total. The entire schedule will be played at The Butte Depot starting at 7 pm every Friday.
Like most of the nation, Montana has seen an explosion in the game of cornhole. From barbeques to family gatherings, and beyond, the game of cornhole is the most desired game to have on hand.
Let’s dig into the weeds a bit. Legend has it the game goes back to the fourteenth century when a cabinet maker was watching children toss rocks into a groundhog’s hole. The gentleman was so concerned for the safety of the kids that he made a safer game for them to play. Supposedly corn factors into the story because at the time corn was so plentiful that it was often used as a weight. So, our cabinetmaker determined a bag of corn was safer to throw than rocks.
Is that history legit? Who knows, but It’s a decent story.
The popularity of the game cannot be overlooked. So why not jump in?
There are a few things that you must have to play in the league. The first is a partner: spouse, friend, coworker, classmate, or whomever.
The second is an app for your phone called Scoreholio.
Once you download the app, you will make a profile, then pick your sport: Cornhole.
From there you will be able to search for upcoming events, Mining City Baggers.
You will see the league, and you can then register. Done deal! Your partner will also have to download the app and register. If you have any issues on the app or have any questions you can email Tim Shea at sheabo338@yahoo.com or reach him via cell phone 406-498-2403.
Don't wait, get signed up today! The League starts January 20th.
If any businesses would like to make donations for Weekly Prizes, please reach out to Tim.

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The Dutton Ranch (aka Chief Joseph Ranch)
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