I’m Starting A Team For RATPOD In Dillon, Who’s In?
I honest to goodness just tripped on this event, and it is amazing.
Due to the fact that you are WAY smarter and far more aware than I am, you have probably heard of the RATPOD. The RATPOD is the “Ride Around The Pioneers in One Day”. The standard ride is a 127 Mile Road ride, and there is also a 65-mile partial gravel ride.
There are going to be some people that would rather drag themselves over broken glass, rather than riding 127 miles on a bike. But, there are also people that go, hmm.. tell me more.
The ride starts and ends in Dillon. It starts on 278 to Jackson, continuing to Wisdom. From Wisdom the riders will roll through Wise River to Divide. From Divide, south on the old highway through Melrose and Glen, and finally on to Dillon. EasyPeasy.
The ride will have several stops, ranging from a water stop on the way to Jackson to a breakfast stop at the High Country Lodge, Lunch in Wise River, Water and Fruit at the Sportsman’s Motel in Melrose, to Pie and Ice Cream in Glen.
If you know me, you probably feel that pie and ice cream was the apex of this story. Amazingly, it isn’t. The reason this ride is important is because it is a major fundraiser for Camp Make-A-Dream here in Montana. Camp Make-A-Dream allows cancer survivors and their families to live with and beyond their diagnosis.
So, to be honest, it is too late to register for the ride this year. BUT, this is a call to mark it on your calendar for next year. Beyond the registration fee for the ride, riders are encouraged to raise donations. You can see a list of riders registered for this year’s event HERE, and more importantly, you can see the amount they have raised for this ride, it’s incredible. (One club in particular ‘Big Mountain Club’ has raised over 50K)
The RATPOD is the single largest Camp Make-A-Dream fundraiser of the year. So maybe if the ride isn’t for you, but you’d like to help click on THIS link and support a rider. Also make sure to visit the CampDream.org website and learn about the life-changing work that happens at the Camp every year.
The RATPOD takes an army of volunteers to run every year. From radio operators to motorcycle support, mechanics, and food assistance there are several options if you would like to help. You can find the Volunteer form HERE.
Team FATHEAD will be riding next year, I’ve already started recruiting Pat Ryan, so that makes two. If you want to join our large cranium’d team, just let me know.

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