Remember These Top 20 Songs from Your Prom 40 Years Ago?
You know the scene. Well, if you were born in the 60s, you do. It's 1983, and plans to ask that special someone to the prom start to emerge. Sure, the "big to-do" isn't for a few months, but you know you need to have a game plan before somebody else moves in on your prospective date. Depending on whether it's "girl asks boy" or vice versa, your flirtatious eye is on that brainiac blond who supplied the answers to every one of your history tests or that tall drink of water who's always late for geometry.
Once you determined your date for the prom, you most likely wore a full-length blue or magenta taffeta dress or a peach tuxedo with a white ruffled shirt to match. And your hairdo? Big with plenty of hairspray intact or a simple comb through. Hey, it's 1983, remember? One thing is for sure, even if memories of prom night 40 years ago are somewhat of a blur, the MUSIC played by a local band or on a PA system that evening most likely stood out. Do the songs below remind you of your prom in 83' or around that timeline? Whether you danced the night away to them or not, these are the hits that bring back memories in one way or another.
Top 20 Hits For The Week Ending January 22nd of 1983 (Tunecaster)