Restless Pines this Friday and much more to come at Butte Elks in 2023
Fans of live, local music are going to get very familiar with the Butte Elks Lodge over the next several months. Of course, the Elks is no stranger to live music as they have been one constant in a sea of ever-changing venues here in Butte and they've been doing it for decades. 2023 is the year that they put it into high-gear.
The Restless Pines will lead things off this Friday night, January 13th starting at 8pm. The Restless Pines, in addition to being an incredible acoustic band with a fantastic set list, are the envy of every other band in town as they are to date the only band to have ever performed inside a Butte mine. Yes, inside a Butte mine. The cover photo to this article was taken as the band performed on the 100 level of the Orphan Girl Mine. Did I mention that the other bands are envious?
Friday, January 20, Andy Larson will be performing. From classic country to rock and roll with even some newer stuff thrown in, nobody does it like Andy and nobody in town has been doing it longer. Andy will be back several times in 2023 so keep an eye on the Elks calendar.
Closing out the month will be the duo of John Stenson and Mark LaFond, collectively known as the Berkeley Pits. John and Mark have been entertaining Southwest Montana for decades as well and their personable style and incredible talent will send January out in style on the 27th, also starting at 8pm.
Of course, the Butte Elks Lodge 240 has a full calendar of activities throughout the month, so be sure to follow them on Facebook. Here is what they've got plannned musically for the first half of 2023.