Housing Vision Workshop Tomorrow 11:30 to 1pm at Butte Brewery
To say that the housing market in Butte has changed over the last 10 years is, indeed, an understatement. If you are looking for a new place to rent, should you be lucky enough to find a reasonable apartment, prices have skyrocketed. Should you find yourself in a fortunate enough situation to buy or build, the price of a new house in Butte has also, metaphorically speaking, gone through the roof. Why is this happening? Will the prices ever come down or is this the new way of life? Will more affordable housing be part of the plan? Hopefully our local officials will have a few answers as they present a "Housing Vision Workshop" tomorrow from 11:30 to 1pm at Butte Brewing and Pizza Company.
What are the housing needs of our community today? What housing needs will need to be addressed in the future? Your thoughts and questions are welcome. The event is open to all, so please take advantage of this opportunity to meet with our community's leaders and policy makers. You will be able to weigh in on policy, on goals, on location and on types of housing. Do changes need to be made to current or future policy? This is the time to make your opinions known.
The Housing Vision Workshop will start at 11:30am at the Highland View Conference Room at Butte Brewing and Pizza Company at 465 E. Galena. Plzza, salad and beverages will be provided to attendees so bring your appetite as well. Beer tokens will even be given to those 21 and older. For those who wish to attend but cannot, a link to the meeting is available here.