It’s National Football Hangover Day Across Montana & the Nation for Good Reason
Right out of the gate, time to regroup and focus on a very special day of observance set aside for football fans! Whether you live in Montana or across the nation, you'll be interested to know that February 13th is National Football Hangover Day! So, if you wore yourself out last night after watching the BIG game, cut yourself some slack because now you have the ultimate excuse for calling off work! Yes, for several years now, over 14 million people have called into work "ill" the day after the dynamic match-up! (continued...)
Since 1967, football fans have gathered in late January/early February to watch the most popular football event of the year on U.S. turf. So, whether your favorite team won or lost last night or didn't play at all, you still likely accumulated a hangover premised around one or all of the following; food, alcohol, stress, anxiety, not liking the half-time show, missing one of the clever commercials, seeing too many of the clever commercials, telemarketer calling during the game, or something else. Here's the deal; for National Football Hangover Day, work on getting lots of rest if possible, drink plenty of water, give yourself a big hug, and see if your significant other is up to babying you with a back rub and some substantial nurturing. (more about Football Hangover Day below)
National Football Hangover Day was created in 2019 by ESPN sportscaster Katie Nolan who was all about recognizing the countless fans who deserved a break after being so dedicated to their football teams throughout the season. After all, it's a lot of work crying and stressing over our favorite teams and even more exhausting cheering them on non-stop for weeks on end. Here's to a quick recovery today, as other sporting events require your undivided attention!