Today’s Observations; Chocolate, Pork Rinds, Showers & More
Just when you thought Sunday, February 5th would be "bore city," up pops these fun-filled observances to celebrate the day! Some events recognized for the day are plentiful, noteworthy, absurd, or all of the above, so brace yourself and take time to engage in two or three of these observances for February 5th!
National Chocolate Fondue Day. Dip away with anything chocolate all day long! A seasoned connoisseur will not complain that their "tummy hurts" in the process, so buck up and do as Augustus Gloop would do in Wonka's chocolate river. Yeah, actually that didn't go so well.
National Weatherperson's Day. These dedicated storm trackers are the middle person who gets blamed if the forecast isn't correct. However, today when you see them on TV, your phone, or PC, kiss the screen and thank them for trying.
Dump Your Significant Jerk Day. Whether in the form of a spouse, fiance, boyfriend, girlfriend, friend, or acquaintance, we all have someone we should probably kick to the curb today. Aww, don't you feel better now?
National Shower with a Friend Day. No matter who you decide to share your loofah with, do it today, then keep the details to yourself or allow your voyeur self to spread the news.
National Fart Day. Why this is even an observation day breaks all the rules of decency, but, heck, if you feel the need to pass some gas in public, then all bets are off today. The least one can do after the "action" is say, "excuse me!"
National Pork Rind Day. This salty treat goes hand in hand with National Fart Day. Although pork rinds are a great low-carb choice compared to potato chips, they tend to cause a great deal of gas. But, hey, the day has been set aside for these crispy fritters, so cut loose, and hopefully in a far less public place.
Also celebrated today, February 5th: National Western Monarch Day, National Tourism Day, Scout Day, World Animal Reiki Day, and National Primrose Day. Whew! See? Something for everyone, so get to it and always be the best version of yourself in the process!