Meeting on ways to improve the Bert Mooney Airport coming September 16th
When the Bert Mooney Airport first opened its new terminal a few years back it was met with a lot of oohs and ahhs. And rightfully so. The new terminal is beautiful. Copper in tone with a definite mining vibe, the new building features a new restaurant, plenty of room to stretch out and not one but two gates should the need ever arise to service two commercial flights at once.
Butte may have one of the newest and nicest airports in the state, but the high cost of flights and lack of options has kept this wonderful new facility woefully unused. For a brief period of time, two major carriers were each operating a pair of daily flights to a pair of hubs, Denver and Salt Lake City. Today if you are flying out of Butte, you are most likely going to Salt Lake under the Delta banner. You will also most likely be paying considerably more than if you chose to fly out of Bozeman or Missoula. Or even Helena. Let's talk about Helena for a second.
Helena faces many of the same issues Butte does when it comes to flying locally but they have had a lot more success. They have kept fares down. They have even secured additional flights. But how? Well, Callie Aschim is the President of the Helena Area Chamber of Commerce and she wants to sit down and explain how they are doing it, and you are invited to meet with her. Monday, September 16th, Callie will give a brief overview of Helena's doings at Butte Brewing Company at 465 E. Galena at 5:30pm. Pizza and salad will be served. After Callie's presentation focus will turn to the Bert Mooney Airport and how we can increase its services.
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